So I'm diving back into PHP to do more with my social media site and guess what I ran into again, Open Graph protocol. For years I have been working to get an understanding, in between my anxiety, no one to really break it down and being frustrated I decided to focus more on it when I need it.

Today comes and I don't need it but I decided ok I'm going to understand this. Here is what I basically understand about Open Graph.

"Open Graph is an internet protocol that was originally created by Facebook to standardize the use of metadata within a webpage to represent the content of a page."

If you have issues with understanding what it is, let me know I will break down what I have learned

Poetic Recovery
Shared Post


Many ropes sway in the water
across the river
I only testify
I’m not a giver
of the rope which is hope
for those that think nope
there’s no other way
i’m not here to barter or sway
I have no control over the day
or how anyone responds to it
I can only encourage you to GO through it

Go to a meetings and bare your soul
alcoholism is a troll
that whisper in our minds ear
shot after shot beer after beer

depression mixed messages and PTSD
a cycle of misery that keeps us dizzy
self doubt and self hate is a cape that stays draped
over our face that’s keeps us tripping and running into buildings
feeling stupid cussing our selves and misreading our feelings

Honesty, Openmindeness, and willingness
even if you’re not feeling this
are 3 rungs on a ladder to safety
you just have to be willing to face the demon within
that’s not a demon at alll
just a lie we believed
that’s all.
Meetings helps us find our way back
we just have to get off the track
thats has us looping in circles of self will
trying to do both
drink and get well keeps us ill
I truly hope you grab the rope
two hands full
good orderly directions,
let it go
keep it simple
because DENIAL is an infinite ripple
if we continue to lie to ourselves

Maurice “Soulfighter” Taylor
(c) June 4th 2024

edward lindsay Alcohol is in fact a troll it haunts the one who drink till they're old
Feeling life is empty Handed
Feeling lost hopeless and stranded
Let's put down the beer
Put that soda up and cheer
Sobriety issues are part of life
Don't give the booze control of your life

How many ways can I deal with you?
1: Intellectually
2: Spiritually
3: Mentally
4: Emotionally
5: Socially
6: Sensually (through your senses)

6 levels I can explore you adore you
amor tu
speak to your soul through my actions
you are my main attraction
so you’ll always seem coming
I won’t be gone too long
our attraction is strong
like a magnetic pull
not wool over your eyes
honesty, the bridge we can’t walk back and forth on
life is a daily conversation filled with relations
that impact our feelings that we can share
so we can decompress, release stress
and be mentally free
and still show up recharged emotionally

late out night I’ll play music that sings to your sou
while you bathe in water
poured with care

(c) Maurice Taylor

I’m a pathfinder.

I’m human that’s all to it, * may never rise to that spiritual height and if someone does good they are where they are suppose to be, I don’t look to them
like they are special though. I just see them as having gift ai don’t have like i have a gift they don’t have.

I will take some time to learn from them and use what I learn but I won’t follow them because my life’s experience is my own and that gives my spiritual essence its value. Following someone else I love my way and won’t learn what I need to and gain the strength I need so I can over come.

Some people are followers, other are pathfinders, I’m a pathfinder that needs lessons when I get lost or frustrated on my life’s Journey.

Some keys

Each step
full of pain
no prayer
relieved the anxiety
of yesterday
but each step
is further away
the bottom of the pit
of despair
a crackle
a pop
in the knees
wasn’t there
when I was
with short
skewed mission
filled with
while in the
I count my blessings
to the power
that was listening
Now here I
on the site of this bed
angst over the possibility
of civil war
the hurdles i’m
still trying to clear
the counties oppressed
those stuck in church
out of fear
Each step
full of pain
no prayer
erased the memories
but my actions
kinda of others
kept me bouyed
when I didn’t believe
Now it’s time
i leave you
Some keys

make friends
cry when you need to
listen to your
means you haven’t resolved
your pain
you need to
so you can emotionally gain
don’t go back
create something new
build a community
in the darkest of times
be the devils advocate
create hope
and leave these keys
and other you find
for others
in a place
they can find them

(c) 4/18/24 4:50 am
Maurice “Soulfighter” Taylor