Poetic Recovery I’m going to be working with a drummer this Spring/Summer, perhaps you can come out with us and lead a 5 minute session. What do you think?

Group About

I do want to ensure that everyone knows The Drumming - is a peer based from of support where Black and Brown people encourage our healing and I hope our Allie’s can find and lend support appropriately.

The drums have been and are currently used in our ancestral ritual. One of the most famous use of the drums is the alerting of danger. Here the THE DRUMMING alerts us to the dangers of ignoring the source and the unmasking of our trauma. Our traumas are experienced as individuals and in populations rather from domestic violence, childhood traumas, or institution trauma in special education. or in the neighborhoods or communities. Thank you for your support and working together here on Poetic Recovery.

The group will be facilitated on a per available basis by counselor Stephanie Johnson and Special Ed teacher and cultural healer, Brenda Cepeda of Bomba De Aqui. They will be helping to lead conversations here and on the forum THE DRUMMING. We thank them so much for their contributions to creating a place for healing.

Come join the forum the following forums and help each other in the UNMASKING SOURCES & IMPACT OF TRAUMA in
1: UNMASKING SOURCES & IMPACT OF TRAUMA https://poeticrecovery.us/forum/category/view/1053/the-drumming-unmasking-sources-amp-impact-of-trauma
2: SPECIAL EDUCATION -HOW EFFECTIVE IS IT? https://poeticrecovery.us/forum/topic/1055/special-education-how-effective-is-it
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